Historic Preservation Commission

Historic Preservation Commission


The HPC of the City of Cape May, NJ, is a body originally established in the 1960s by the City and, as most recently organized, operates under the authority of the Municipal Land Use Law of the State of New Jersey. Decisions by the HPC are binding and enforceable on applicants and the City’s construction officials as provided by law. The HPC is tasked with reviewing applications for construction, repairs, alterations, and demolition within the City’s Historic District. It also deals with other matters relating to historic aspects of the City. The task of the HPC is to maintain the important heritage of the City’s historic built environment and support the continuation of Cape May’s extraordinary federal designation of the City as a National Historic Landmark. Landmark designation serves the overall welfare of the City’s citizens and visitors as an important source of tourism, grant funds, civic pride, and recognition of Cape May’s dedication to preservation.

African American Heritage in Cape May

Visit our StoryMap sharing the African American architectural history in Cape May, New Jersey. 

Join us as we delve into the African American heritage sites from 1846-1948 that had a foundational 

impact on the evolution of Cape May and its cultural heritage. 

We hope this serves as a helpful resource for experiencing, sharing, contributing, and uncovering 

African American history in Cape May.


Real Estate Agents

Video Presentation
Powerpoint Presentation


Video Presentation
Powerpoint Presentation

HPC Application Form Instructions

Before any exterior work on a structure in the Historic District begins, the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) must review and approve alterations, new construction, demolition, or changes to important landscape features.  An HPC Review Committee may review applications for minor work without holding a public hearing and issue an Approval in Review (AIR). An AIR remains active for two years from the approval date.   If HPC determines that an application must be reviewed by the full HPC based on the scope of the work or the significance of the structure, you will be notified.  

Applications for demolitions, relocations, additions, new houses and solar panels require a full commission hearing.

Please download and complete the application below. 

Historic Design Standards

           HPC Application Materials
Historic District Map


The Third Monday of each month at 6:00 PM

Cape May City Auditorium

643 Washington Street

Cape May, NJ 08204

Meetings Schedule

Watch Live Meetings


John Boecker

Chairperson-Class A


Jim Testa

Vice Chairperson-Class C


Tom Carroll

Class B Member


Janice Wilson Stridick

Class B Member


Beatrice Gauvry Pessagno

Class B Member


Jake Stevenson

Class C Member


Kevin Hammeran

Class C Member


Steve Johnson

Alternate I


William Kurtz

Alternate II


Lorraine Baldwin

Council Liaison



Judith Decker



Paul Dietrich

City Engineer, Director of Land Use


Bruce Britton

Compliance Officer


Chris Gillin-Schwartz

