General Information
Chief Financial Officer
Kevin Hanie
Qualified Purchasing Agent
Sean Canning
Senior Account Clerk
Jennie McCaney
Finance Clerk
Connie Anderson
Deputy CFO/Payroll
Patti Taub
Finance Office
643 Washington St.
Cape May,

Finance & Purchasing

Finance Department

The Finance Department, headed by the Chief Financial Officer, safeguards the fiscal integrity of the City, reports accurate and timely financial information to the City Council, the City Manager and the public, and provides financial management and record-keeping support to all the City departments to enable them to carry out their duties efficiently.


The Payroll and Benefits Coordinator processes the biweekly payroll, handles all employee health benefits and reports all pension and quarterly tax payments to the Federal and State governments.


The Qualified Purchasing Agent is committed to providing best value results to the City and the public, through effective procurement services and technological and strategic advancements to ensure open and fair competition, in accordance with Federal, State, County and Municipal laws.

Accounts Payable

Our Accounts Payable sector is responsible for the processing of vendor invoices, creating bill lists for City Council approval and the mailing of approved checks.