General Information
Technical Assistant
Megan Long
Zoning Officer
Bruce Britton
Account Clerk
Logan Walter
Fire Subcode Official
J. Gregory Neill
Building Inspector
John Tudor
Mobile: 609-675-1893
Building Subcode Official
Jason Dilworth
Electrical Subcode Official
Mike Mills
Plumbing Subcode Official / Construction Official
Lou Vito Jr
Phone Numbers
Fax: 609-884-3355
Emergencies: Dial 911
Construction Office
643 Washington St.
Cape May,

Construction & Zoning

If you would like to view the status of your permit, follow this link:

Construction Permits are required to construct, enlarge, repair, alter, renovate, demolish, reconstruct or change the use of a building or structure or to install equipment. This is not an all inclusive listing of permit requirements. Permit questions should be directed to the Technical Assistant at 609-884-9555.


The Construction & Zoning Officer, and staff, review all applications and plans for compliance with the City of Cape May Land Use Ordinances, the Uniform Construction Code-State of New Jersey (UCC), which has been adopted by the City of Cape May. 

This office is where all applications for Construction Permits, Planning and Zoning Boards, and Historic Preservation Commission are submitted for review and approval. The staff will assist the public in the procedures for filling out and submitting the forms for construction permits. Information is available through this office for property owners regarding flood zone map determinations, information pertaining to building codes, City of Cape May ordinance and zoning codes, and zoning district maps. 

A City of Cape May permit is required for the following items: fences, sheds, driveways, curb cuts, sidewalk repair, walkways, pavers, and dumpsters and/or construction equipment located on the street.  The Division of Inspections oversees the enforcement of all New Jersey State adopted construction codes which include building, fire, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, asbestos, barrier free access and lead abatement within the boundaries of the City of Cape May.

Cape May City is a class 1 municipality which by definition requires all code enforcement officials to be licensed as high-rise and hazardous specialist (HHS). All inspectors are licensed by the state and are enrolled in a continuing educational program.

Plan review and inspections are performed by the City’s construction office. 

The purpose of the Division of Inspections is to control all matters concerning the construction, alteration, addition, repair, removal, demolition, use, location, occupancy of all building and structures and adequately protect the health, safety and welfare of the people of Cape May. Administrative, technical and advisory assistance is provided to all property owners, homeowners, architects, engineers, attorneys, developers, business owners and local and state agencies. To schedule an inspection, contact the Construction Department at 609-884-9555. Notice the Construction Department must be given 24 hours prior to the time the inspection is requested. Inspections will always be completed within three business days.

Our staff will be happy to assist you in any way they can. Please feel free to contact this office with any questions you may have.

Construction Permits

Construction Permits are required to construct, enlarge, repair, alter, renovate, demolish, reconstruct or change the use of a building or structure or to install equipment. This is not an all inclusive listing of permit requirements. Permit questions should be directed to the Technical Assistant at 609-884-9555.

Prior to applying for a permit there are certain approvals or certifications that may be required. These approvals are called Prior Approvals and are issued by various Federal, State, and/or County agencies. Some prior approval requirements that apply to some building permits are:

  • Planning Board/Zoning Board of Adjustment 609-884-9549
  • Historic Preservation Commission 609-884-9561
  • Cape Atlantic Soil Conservation 609-626-3144
  • Water/Sewer from the City of Cape May 609-884-9575
  • Coastal Area Facilities Review Act (CAFRA) permit 609-292-0060
  • Affordable Housing Fee – COAH 609-884-9545
  • Shade Tree Commission 609-884-9599
  • Cape May City License 609-884-9534

New Jersey Clean Energy Program.pdf

New Jersey Clean Energy Program Com.pdf

Flood Damage Prevention Compliance Ordinance.pdf

Flood Protection Information.pdf

floodplain management plan.pdf

Flood Information.pdf

To Print Cape May City Permits and Applications

Forms necessary for the filing of a NJ State UCC Permit

Zoning Permit Application fillable.pdf