General Information
Beach Supervisor / Operations Coordinator
Michelle Sampson
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
704 Beach Avenue
Cape May,

Commercial Beach Tags

Commercial Tags

$125.00 per tag

Commercial tags may be purchased by any individual or entity which rents or makes rooms available to the public for a fee and wishing to provide beach tags to their transient guests as a courtesy. City Ordinance # 383-2019

This includes but not limited to:

 Bed & Breakfasts
 Private Rental Properties

Commercial Beach Tags must be purchased in person at the Cape May City Tax Office located at 643 Washington Street.
 Monday-Friday 9am - 4pm beginning May, 2021

Call 609-884-9538 or 609-884-9541 for more information.

  ***Note: All sales are final, no refunds will be issued. No exceptions to dates listed above.