Seawall/Promenade Improvement Advisory Committee
Seawall and Promenade Improvement Advisory Committee
(Created November 21, 2017 by City Council Resolution 254-11-2017)
To explore all aspects of preserving our coast and protecting our City.
To undertake exploration of the pros and cons, costs, funding resources, timetable and options for reinforcing the existing seawall and extending the Promenade.
To consider related planning and development of the Promenade and surrounding structures as an enhanced setting for social, educational, recreational and environmental activities and events.
Selected Tasks:
- Develop a plan of action and timetable for the Committee’s work;
- Review similar coastal improvement projects in such cities as Virginia Beach, VA; Staten Island,NY; Galveston, TX; Seattle, WA and Charleston, SC
- Consult with the City’s staff and grant writers to explore fund development resources and apply for grants to extend the seawall and promenade;
- Secure grant resources to develop conceptual plans, feasibility studies, and cost estimates;
- Understand County, State and Federal regulations and processes that could impact seawall and promenade plans;
- Explore ways to increase public awareness of and support for coastal improvement projects;
- Coordinate with the City’s other advisory committees, commissions and boards where there are shared interests;
- Participate in City-organized meetings with the US Army Corps of Engineers and similar entities with responsibility and expertise on seawall and promenade improvements and extensions;
- Assure inclusion of seawall and promenade needs and plans in the updating of the City’s Master Plan.
Chair - Dr. Scott Maslow
Council Liaison - Stacy Sheehan
Secretary -
Jerry Inderwies, Jr.
Larry Hirsch
Mike Jones
Joe Schlitzer
Louie Bruno
Gus Andy
Resolution Est. - 254-11-2017
Meeting Dates/Times -