Municipal Taxation & Revenue Advisory Committee

 Created by City Council Resolution 82-02-2020

To investigate alternative sources of revenue, and to consider new and innovative ways to finance the provision of municipal services, to improve infrastructure, to plan for capital improvements, to maintain a stable tax and ratable base, and to maintain the City's property taxes at the minimum level necessary to provide those necessary services. 

Selected Tasks:
- Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the City's current budgeting practices, and of the community it serves
- Consult with any and all sources of expertise
- Identify models of revenue sources and resources allocation
- Make recommendations to the City Manager and City Council toward a goal of implementing a fair and equitable revenue plan for the property owners, business owners, residents and visitors of the City of Cape May


Dennis Crowley
Maureen K. McDade
Cape May City Council Liaison
Martin Van Walsum
City Resident
Mike YeagerCity Resident
Robert Elwell
City Resident
Carolyn Zebrowski
City Resident
Russ Dickhart
City Resident
Job ItzkowitzCity Resident
Cynthia MullockCity Resident

MTRAC Recommendation #1 Occupancy Tax.docx 

MTRAC Recommendation #2 - Fiscal Note.docx 

MTRAC Recommendation #3 - Stipend Policy.docx 

MTRAC Recommendation #4 - PILOT.docx 

MTRAC Recommendation #5 Comprehensive Ordinance.pptx  

MTRAC Recommendation #6 - Cannabis.docx  

MTRAC Recommendation #7 - LSV.docx 

MTRAC Recommendation #8 - Powerpoint.pptx 

MTRAC Recommendation #9 - EVSE.docx  

MTRAC #12.pptx  

MTRAC 2021 Annual Report revised.docx