General Information
Tax Assessor
Marissa McCorkel
643 Washington Street
Cape May,

Monday - Friday
7:30am - 3:30pm

Affordable Housing

What is New Jersey's Council on Affordable Housing (COAH)?

Every municipality in New Jersey has a constitutional obligation to provide a "realistic opportunity" to create its "fair share" of affordable housing.  This obligation was established as a result of the Mount Laurel decisions decided by the Supreme Court of New Jersey and the adoption of the Fair Housing Act of 1985.  In accordance with the Municipal Land Use Law, a municipality may not adopt a zoning ordinance unless it has adopted a Housing Element.  (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et. seq.).

Affordable housing is defined under N.J.’s Fair Housing Act as a dwelling, either for sale or rent that is within the financial means of households of low or moderate income as income is measured within each housing region. The City of Cape May is in COAH’s Region 6, which includes Atlantic, Cape May, Cumberland and Salem counties. Moderate–income households are those earning between 50% and 80% of the regional median income. Low-income households are those with annual incomes that are between 30% and 50% of the regional median income. As required by the amended FHA (Roberts bill), COAH has also included a very low-income category, which is defined as households earning 30% or less of the regional median income. 

Through the Uniform Housing Affordability Controls (hereinafter “UHAC”) at N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.3(d) and (e), COAH requires that the maximum rent for a qualified unit be affordable to households that earn no more than 60% of the median income for the region. The average rent must be affordable to households earning no more than 52% of the median income. The maximum sale prices for affordable units must be affordable to households that earn no more than 70% of the median income. The average sale price must be affordable to a household that earns no more than 55% of the median income. 

The regional median income is defined by COAH using the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) income limits on an annual basis. In the spring of each year HUD releases updated regional income limits which COAH reallocates to its regions. It is from these income limits that the rents and sale prices for affordable units are derived. These figures are updated annually and are available from COAH. 

Cape May City Monitoring Form as of May 31,2020
COAH Residential Development Fee Certification