Pay NJ Traffic Tickets Online

The Judiciary’s
Internet Information and Payment Center
New Jersey Municipal Court Direct - NJMCdirect

New Jersey’s Judiciary has taken an important step to improve customer service and public access with the development, design and implementation of the Judiciary’s first Internet information and payment center – NJMCdirect.

The Judiciary’s Report on Municipal Court Standardization and Best Practices recommended and endorsed the development of an Internet information and payment center in an effort to continually modernize and improve the services provided by the State’s 536 municipal courts. The Administrative Office of the Courts, through its Information Technology Office, Municipal Court Services Division, Fiscal Services Division, and Intranet/Internet Services Unit has completed the development and has begun implementation of the NJMCdirect Website.

The key goal of the NJMCdirect Website is to provide citizens with a convenient way to both access municipal court information and provide on-line payment options to electronically satisfy parking/moving tickets via the Internet. In addition, the site allows the public to use credit cards for the payment of violations bureau assessments, a service that is not currently available in the majority of the State’s municipal courts.

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