Construction Projects
Updated 2.25.2025
- WASHINGTON ST. - CITY PROJECT - Ocean Ave. to Sidney Ave. Road Reconstruction. Paving completed. Crosswalks Being scheduled for completion, weather/temperature dependent.
- FRANKLIN ST. STREETSCAPE – CITY PROJECT – City has developed this project to improve the streetscape along Franklin Street from Washington to Lafayette. This project will utilize some of the grant funding in the Neighborhood Preservation Grant and the County Grant for the Rehabilitation of AME Church for this project. Project Contract awarded to Charles Marandino LLC for $580,145.00. Construction has begun. Paving scheduled for Week of December 16th. For more information: Franklin Street Streetscape and Franklin St. Streetscape draft.pdf
- BEACH AVE. – CITY PROJECT – Reconstruction of the road and pedestrian & bicycle enhancement at the street end. Project Contract awarded to Charles Marandino LLC for $499,730.00. Construction has begun. Paving completed. Crosswalks being scheduled for completion, weather/temperature dependent. For more information: Beach Avenue Striping Plans.pdf and Beach Avenue Plans 2024.pdf and Beach Avenue Rendering 2024.pdf
- CITY HALL PARKING PLAN LOT & CLAGHORN PL.- CITY PROJECT - Reconstruct the City Hall Parking Lot and add 7 parking spaces. Correct drainage issues on Claghorn Pl. Project Contract awarded to Landberg Construction for $280,297.50. Construction will commence on in March 2025. For more information: City Hall Parking Plan.pdf
- HARBORVIEW PARK - COUNTY GRANT - Rehabilitation of existing passive park. County grant was approved for $1,933,172.80. The HPC and SHPO have approved the project. Anticipated construction Winter 2025. Harborview Park Plan.pdf
- LAFAYETTE STREET PARK- CITY PROJECT - This project has been in the planning and design phase for several years. We have finally moved through some of the permitting and environmental clean-up phases. We anticipate construction on several of the phases starting later this year. Phases we will complete this fall/winter will include
- Solid safety surfacing on the playground, completed $240,000;
- Cape May Nature Trails. Project contract awarded to Massett Buildering Co. for $1,869,475 with County Open Space grant of $1,933,172.80. Project progressing. Anticipated opening early Summer 2025;
- Relocate dog park and construct bocce court & open space area Project contract awarded to Think Pavers for $868,416.43. The City has NJDEP Green Acres loan funding for this project. Project has been awarded and awaiting start of construction.: Lafayette Street Nature Trails and Lafayette Street Park Site Plan 6.17.24
- RECONSTRUCTION OF OHIO AVE - CITY PROJECT - This project has been in the planning and design phase and is out to Bid (due date. December 11th). Engineer’s Estimate for the project is $1,900,000. Work will include Water and Sewer Main replacement including removal of lead service lines, reconstruct the roadway along with curb/ sidewalk repairs. NJDOT grant of $175,000 and $220,000: Ohio Ave plans.pdf
- BEACHFILL – Lower Cape May Meadows – Cape May Point Project – US Army Corps of Engineers. Project awarded to Agate Construction. Work began December 5, 2024. More Information:
- PROMENADE PRESERVATION -CITY PROJECT – City received a grant from the state in amount of $6.7M. The City submitted the Master Plan & Preliminary Visioning plan dated October 25, 2023 to the State which describes the work the City needs to do to maintain the existing promenade, upgrade ADA access and provide resiliency. The City Manager presented a work plan to create several small projects to encumber the grant funds received at City Council meeting on April 2nd. Work will be based on scope of work presented in the Promenade Master Plan. Project has been advertised for bidding and anticipate award in March 2025. For more information: Promenade Master Plan - Colliers Oct. 2023.pdf ; Promenade Plans Phase 1.pdf
- PROMENADE PRESERVATION - CITY PROJECT - City received a grant from the state in amount of $6.7M. The City submitted the Master Plan & Preliminary Visioning plan dated October 25, 2023 to the State which describes the work the City needs to do to maintain the existing promenade, upgrade ADA access and provide resiliency. The City Manager presented a work plan to create several small projects to encumber the grant funds received at City Council meeting on April 2nd. Work will be based on scope of work presented in the Promenade Master Plan. Project has been advertised for bidding and anticipate award in March 2025. For more information: Promenade Master Plan - Colliers Oct. 2023.pdf Promenade Plans Phase 1.pdf
- COMMUNITY CENTER - CITY PROJECT - City is converting the former Library Building into a Community Center. The Community Center is currently open for recreation programs only. The City is working on improvements and anticipate having it open for the Summer 2025 season. For more information: Community Center Layout and Community Center Budget
- 2024 ROAD & UTILITY PROJECT –CITY PROJECT – Work will include reconstructing the road with drainage/curb/sidewalk repairs, watermain replacement and sewer main replacement. The City has received $395,000 in grants from the NJDOT and is applying for grants from the USDA. Streets include Ohio Ave, Stockton Place, Washington St (Sydney – Yacht), Illinois Ave. and Idaho Ave. For more information: Preliminary Engineering Report 2024 Road-Utility program.pdf
- SIDEWALK REHABILITATION PROJECT –CITY PROJECT – Work will include replacing deteriorated concrete and resetting uneven brick/ bluestone sidewalk. This is a large scale expansion of the City’s 50/50 program where the homeowner pays for 50% of the repair cost and the City pays the other 50%. Project estimate will be $600,000 over several years. Limits are being determined and Phase 1 will be constructed in Spring 2025.
- POLICE STATION – CITY PROJECT – Construct new Police Station at corner of Lafayette and St. John. Received HPC recommendation and submitted to SHPO for approval. Anticipate start construction in 2025. Budget estimate $8,000,000. For more information: Police Building Elevation.pdf. For Land Swap Applications: Binder 1.pdf , Binder 2.pdf , Binder 3.pdf
- SEAWALL EXTENSION -CITY PROJECT & U.S. ARMY CORP OF ENGINEERS (USACE) PROJECT - Work will include extending the seawall and promenade from the existing terminus just East of Madison Ave to Wilmington Ave and extend down Wilmington Ave. The City has received HPC, SHPO and NJDEP CAFRA Permit for the project. The City anticipates completing final design in 2024. The City has been awarded a FEMA Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant and has been identified for further review. The City has begun the review with FEMA but have to complete our permit conditions for the NJDEP CAFRA permit before we can proceed. The USACE project extends 200 ft each side of the Wilmington Ave – Beach Ave Intersection. The USACE is in the final design stages and working on Project Partnership Agreement. For more information: Seawall Plans, Seawall Landscape Plans, USACE Feasibility Report, Seawall Renderings
- TENNIS CLUB - CITY PROJECT - Work will include upgrading ADA facilities at the Tennis Club. Received DCA Small Cities Grant in the amount of $270,672 with a 10% City Match. Working on design of the project with anticipated Fall 2025 construction. Applying for 2nd Phase for 2025 Small Cities Grant. For More Information: Tennis Center Exhibit.pdf
- LIFEGUARD STATION - CITY PROJECT - Work will include upgrading facility for adequate men/women locker room and restrooms. No expansion vertically or horizontally is planned. Preliminary design phase and no budget has been established.
- DELAWARE AVE REVETMENT - U.S. ARMY CORP OF ENGINEERS (USACE) AND COUNTY PROJECT - Work will include installing stone revetment along Delaware Ave and Cape May Harbor from Just East of Baltimore St to just West of Corinthian Yacht Club of Cape May. Anticipated construction during 2025. For more information: Draft Plans Delaware Ave revetment.pdf